SKU 35060 Spanish: Blood Sugar Control

1. Step One: Understand the Process and Step Two: Get Ready for the Process
     a. Journal
     b. The Wallet Emergency Card
     c. The Magnet Board
2. Step Three: Do the Process &
     Take the Test
3. Start Here to Make Your Plan &
     Right Meds at the Right Time
4. Blood Sugar Meds
     a. The Pill Organizer
5. How to Take Insulin
6. How to Quit Smoking
7. Dodge and Distract Plan
8. The Short Story on Blood Sugar
9. How to "Watch What You Eat"
     a. Portion Plate
10. How to Count Carbs
     a. Loose Food Guide
     b. Fast Food Guide
     c. Meal Planner
11. Get Out and Walk/Get Up and Go Places
     a. Glucose Tabs
     b. Medical Alert Bracelet
12. Protect Your Skin and Feet
     a. Lotion
     b. Mirror
     c. LEAP Test
13. Stress Pocket Pal

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